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The Peyton Fire Protection District is geographically a prairie-urban interface. We are a water poor district. We currently have 110,000 gallons of water in cisterns throughout the district. There are also several natural occurring water sources we can draft from. There are currently no municipal water hydrants in the district. Currently there is only one centrally located fire station at 13665 Railroad St.

We staff the station with one full time firefighter (day shift), and two volunteers on the night shift. We serve the community with

 1 Ambulance Non-Transporting

 1 Engine 1000 gal,

 1 Pumper Tender 3000 gal,

 1 Tender 2000 gal.

  2 type 6 brush trucks

  2 QRV/ (quick response vehicle)/utility vehicles.

  We also employ mutual aid agreements from neighboring districts.

What does this mean for you? By driving on established public roads, If you are within 5 miles of the Peyton Fire station your ISO classification is an 8b. All other property ISO classification will be a 10.
Fire Ban